public art installations
collaboration with Jakub Klaska
The projects are developed through the means of both physical and digital models aiming to facilitate the knowledge from both handcraft and digital fabrication. The ongoing collaboration have resulted in numbers of competition wins with some being already realized and some still in the making. The design process they employ continuously oscillates between digital modelling and handcrafting smaller scale prototypes in all design and fabrication stages.
City: Most, Czech Republic year 2020 - 2021
The project has been won through open public competition and is currently under construction. The Czech city Most had been built as a mining capital throughout the 20th century. Recently the industry has experienced a sharp decline and together with the severe environmental impact have led to the conclusion of closing the mines, which are currently undergoing a decommissioning and will close in due course. The memorial is meant to be a reminder of the city’s origin and the transformation the whole region has gone through. On the main plaza, a stripe of greenery is being lifted up and reveals a deep relief that aims to capture the transformation that the industry has caused to the landscape of the whole region. The deep scars of the relief recalls the scars in the lives of local people and the imprints that the landscape has su ff ered through the use of mining equipment. The memorial is proposed as a in situ concrete wall that grows from the ground and twist and rotates towards the main plaza creating an alter like wall in the memory of the people and landscape impacted by the industrial activity. The backside of the wall is covered by climbing greenery creating a seamless transition into the grass lawn. The project uses digital fabrication methods (both CNC and large 3d printing ) for the production of the formwork for the in situ concrete relief

Year: 2019 - 2021
Place: Brno
Size: circa 345 x 545 x 600 cm
Material: glass fibre reinforced concrete
Status: construction drawings
The project has been won through open public competition and is currently in preparation for construction. The university that commemorates its 100th year of existence was founded by the first Czechoslovak president Tomas Garrigue Masaryk. The most notable fashion accessory of the first Czechoslovak president was his hat that accompanied his presence. The project is playfully celebrating this signature fashion accessory and elevating it into a spatial object that interacts with the plaza and visitors. It becomes a pavilion that one can visit see the sky through its open top. The hat, a fashion accessory of early 20th century gentlemen, stands for good manners, education and elegance. Those are the values that Masaryk stood for and the university continue to deliver. The sculpture will be manufactured through digital fabrication methods in glass fi ber reinforced concrete

Year: 2019 - 2020
Place: KolÃn
Size: circa 250 x 250 x 250 cm
Material: glass fiber reinforced concrete Status: Concept
The sculpture aims to create and interactive addition the pilgrim’s path across the hill Vinice. The sphere becomes and object that is alienated from its environment and resembles a foreign planet. By closer look one recognizes the body imprint into the sphere inviting pilgrims for a hug. The ones that engage with the sculpture and hug the sphere the way it suggests are awarded by magnificent view of the city Kolin framed by the circular opening. The rich and deep texture of the sculpture resembles moon like surface and intensifi es the meteor like notion. The sculpture is proposed to be manufactured through digital fabrication methods using glass fi ber reinforced concrete

Year: 2018
City: Litoměřice Czech Republic
Size: circa 80 x 350 x 350 cm
Material: Glass fibre reinforced concrete

Dolnà Břežany